A true go-between the Negotiator/Conciliator shuttles back and forth making offers, advocating positions, registering demands and answering questions. Information you provide may or may not be shared with other parties, depending upon your instructions. A Smarter, Faster and Less Expensive alternative to fighting claims in court. If you have irate creditors or collection agencies calling we may be able to resolve these matters before they become lawsuits. You could get the time you need to payoff your debts. In many cases we can reduce the amount you owe and arrange for a reasonable settlement. This could reduce your debt load ration, improve your bottom line and free up cash to spend revitalizing your business. Creditors want what they are owed, but will settle for less when they feel it’s in their best interest to do so. Areas of interest, Disputed Invoices & Statements, Judgment Negotiations & Liens, Bankruptcy Alternatives, Creditor Collection Actions, Pending Lawsuits, Problem Accounts Payable, Federal & State Tax Liabilities.