
Dr. Richard Ward

Chap. Dr. Richard Ward, Orthodox Priest/Psychotherapist, Meta-Physicist and Mediator. Specialties include; Therapeutic Orthodox PsychotherapyMedical Hypnoanalysis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Optimal EFT, (see inspirational video below) and Conflict Management Services. Higher education; Pastoral Psychology, (Ph.D.), Metaphysical Sciences, (Msc.D) and Canonical Jurisprudence, (J.C.D.).

In 1984 he was awarded certification to professionally engage in the treatment of physical and mental ailments and conditions through the use of Spiritual Mind Treatment in the capacity of Pastoral Counselor/Practitioner and Mediator/Conciliator.

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Professional Background

Christian Legal Investigative Conciliator (ADR), Canon Lawyer, Law School Paralegal, California Licensed Investigator, members of the Christian Legal Society, and Board Certified Clinical Member of the American Academy of Medical Hypnoanalysts.

Services Include: Counseling, Conflict Coaching, Mediation and Legally Binding Arbitration.

10 Ways You Can Benefit from Meeting Dr. Ward

  1. Learn how to overcome depression and feel alive again.
  2. Remove fear and anxiety from your life.
  3. Find out how to take charge of your life, maximize your abilities.
  4. Discover the causes and remove negative patterns from your relationships.
  5. Foster a healthy sense of self-esteem.
  6. Give up destructive addictions to things, smoking, food, drugs, sex or people.
  7. Reconnect  your spiritual self, resolve God-conflicts.
  8. Really know the secrets of your subconscious.
  9. Finally, create the life you want to live
  10. Call now for a free consultation (1-530) 644-4588

Medical Hypnoanalysis

The state of mind, in hypnosis, can influence the immune system's fight against disease, illness, physical damages, as well as psychological trauma
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Investigative Conciliation

Christian legal investigative conciliation services can be used to settle a wide variety of disputes by focusing on spiritual and psychological understanding.
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The Industrial Chaplain

A unique form of counseling and coaching in the workplace that uses professional, spiritual, and theological methods in healing and growth.
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EFT Training & Therapy

Dr. Ward is proud to offer a groundbreaking new form of counseling intervention that draws on various theories of alternative medicine including acupuncture, neuro-linguistic programming, energy medicine, and Thought Field Therapy (TFT). Dr. Ward is a member of The Gary Craig Optimal EFT Course.

The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe is an easy to use healing tool that provides the very foundation for expanding your emotional freedom. It is the tapping procedure that we use in every round of EFT … it is easy to learn and easy to apply, which is why EFT has become well known as a tool that anyone can use.

Click here to learn more from the source and receive your FREE EFT Tapping tutorial

© 2025 | Dr. Richard Ward- Medical Hypnosis – Orthodox Psychotherapy | St. John's Management Group