Status is online Chap. Dr. Richard Paul Ward, Therapeutic Orthodox Psychotherapist THERAPY OF SPIRITUAL ILLNESSES True Cause = “Missing The Mark” SIN (Gr. hamartia) Literally, “missing the mark”, Sin – a word which translates as ” missing the mark.” It comes from the Greek term “hamartia” which reminds us of the bowman who fails to hit… Read more »

A vast synthesis of patristic and ascetic oriental teachings from the 1st to 14th centuries, this study presents a renewed vision of the Christian doctrine of salvation and constitutes a veritable treaty, both theoretical and practical, of spiritual psychology and medicine, as well as a summation of Orthodox spirituality that has no equivalent. The notion… Read more »

Metropolitan of Nafpaktos Hierotheos The spiritual Father, ought to perform his task on the basis of the Orthodox Tradition, it is clearly different from the psychologist, who works on the basis of an anthropocentric view of man and his life The psychologist wants to make people psychologically balanced. The spiritual father aims at man’s deification…. Read more »

HYPNOSIS WORKS AND IT LASTS For most people, the absolute worst way to attempt to deal with a smoking habit is through the use of will power. Like moods an demotions, will power fluctuates. One day it is strong. The next day may be a down day, and will power fades. It is usually neither… Read more »

NO DIETS, NO CHANGING FOODS, NO WILL POWER “Let me explain our weight-reduction program,” the hypnotherapist said to the inquiring prospective client. “We don’t, in most cases use diet procedures. We find that a problem with diets is that there is a major change of eating habit patterns and that all the time the client… Read more »

YOU CAN RELAX AND ENJOY YOUR VISITS Countless people allow major and even life threatening damage to occur in their bodies simply because of unreasonable fears of visits to physicians or dentists. Such fears come from false convictions that these visits will involve pain. Some people carry the potentially deadly fear that a visit will… Read more »

WHAT IT IS AND HOW IT WORKS Hypnosis and its uses in the practice of hypnotherapy is rapidly emerging as a highly effective science in solving the problems of people. It can be very beneficial in many cases as a therapy in itself. It is a valuable adjunct in psychotherapy and psychiatry. Yet it is… Read more »

YOU CAN INCREASE EFFECTIVENESS, AVOID BURNOUT The human brain receives messages from several sources, each dealing with separate types of information. Input dealing with everyday matters such as news, music, jobs, relationships, weather, etc., comes from the external environment. Our own bodies provide data concerning movement, digestion, tension, pain, etc., all in the form of… Read more »

RECOGNIZE AND USE YOUR PLUS FACTORS It has been said that elderly people are often poor subjects for hypnosis. this is not necessarily the case. Age tends to be more a state of mind than a condition of the body. the public abounds with people of senior years who run circles around their counterparts in… Read more »

REFRESH YOURSELF WITH SELF-HYPNOSIS There are countless books on self-hypnosis, what it does, how it works, techniques for use, etc. there are even more books on relaxation, meditation, self-help and similar subjects. Many hypnotherapists teach self-hypnosis as a part of their offered services. Others use it as an adjunct to therapeutic procedures in specific cases…. Read more »